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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Passmore Cabin

Okay, so I'm totally involved in my family's genealogy---I've always been interested in history and so the genealogy part just seemed to evolve from that.

Our son talked us into purchasing a PC about 11 years ago and kept telling me it was easy to use----I wasn't interested until he said "Mom, you can do your ancestry stuff on the computer". Up until then, I didn't even know how to turn it on.

To make a very long story short, I got on a website that was all about ancestry and away I went. I did have some of my hubby's family info from his uncle who was the keeper of the family history at that time. I also had old photos and some info on the maternal side of my hubby's family.

I put in my hubby's maternal grandmother's name and holy cow!!!!! I couldn't believe all the info and all the links to other family trees that came up. I was so excited that I called my husband at work to tell him the news. He, of course, was rather uninterested about it and just said "Oh, honey that great" with a definite lack of enthusiasm.

Well, that didn't discourage me and I kept on working on it daily and building his tree and still am constantly working on the tree and putting info together for other members of the family.

As a part of the information, I found an historical landmark that was a log cabin built by my husband's maternal 4th great grandfather and that had been restored by the local historical society.

I contacted the historical society and we made arrangements to get a tour of the log cabin when we got into the area. We were going to visit my aunt a few states away and so decided to go to Ohio first and check out the cabin and the local ancient cemetery where many of the family were buried.

Here are some photos of the cabin and the cemetery.


Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Very cool! I enjoy reading about ancestry and even love researching local areas! Enjoyed your posts!

BailiwickStudio said...

Isn't it fun to find new leads? The internet makes it so easy - I've googled different family names and pulled up old documents, wills and other things. I love this hobby! ::Jill